Telesystem, a Montreal based family-owned technology holding, has been building leaders in telecommunications, media, and technology since 1972.
Telesystem Space is a co-enterprise of Telesystem and the Roger’s Family Trust of Canada.
The Space Alliance, founded in 2005, is a strategic partnership between Leonardo and Thales, the major industrial groups in the aerospace industry in Italy and France.
It includes two joint ventures: Telespazio (Leonardo 67%, Thales 33%) and Thales Alenia Space (Thales 67%, Leonardo 33%).
Économie et Innovation Québec, Fonds du développement économique

Skylark Space Segment
France-based satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space (TAS) is an established world leader in the design, manufacture and implementation of components and systems in Telecommunications, Navigation, Earth observation, Environmental management, Exploration, Science and orbital infrastructures. TAS delivers Digital Transformation and Innovation.

Italy-based Telespazio is one of the world’s leading players in satellite solutions and services, with expertise in Ground Segment, Ground Station Network, Satellite Operations Centres, Data Centres.
Telespazio delivers: Design and development of space systems. Management of launch services and in-orbit satellite control. Earth observation services. Integrated communications, satellite navigation and localisation services. Scientific programmes.

Ground-based SSA
World leader in the delivery of persistent, automated, and real-time ground-based SSA solutions.
ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is a global commercial SSA telescope network with more than 25 observatories and 275 telescopes tracking man-made space objects in multiple orbit regimes.
NorthStar is collaborating with ExoAnalytic Solutions to support, develop and complement NorthStar’s space-based SI² services. NorthStar and ExoAnalytic Solutions cooperate on SSA services and demonstration activities with key clients.
Satellite Constellation Flight Dynamics
Mission Operations
KinetX is a co-founder of NorthStar. KinetX provides systems engineering, complex software and hardware design and development, spacecraft navigation and flight dynamics services to commercial, civil, and government customers across the aerospace industry.
Airborne Hyperspectral Services
Leading global provider of commercial high-resolution airborne spectral imagery products and services: defense and intelligence initiatives, mapping and analysis, environmental monitoring, oil, gas and mineral exploration, and infrastructure management.
NorthStar collaborates with SpectTIR for the collection of airborne hyperspectral data, to support NorthStar product development and demonstration activities planned with key clients. SpectTIR provides expert support in the development of hyperspectral data management and analysis tools.

Telesystem, a Montreal based family-owned technology holding, has been building leaders in telecommunications, media, and technology since 1972.
Telesystem Space is a co-enterprise of Telesystem and the Roger’s Family Trust of Canada.

The Space Alliance, founded in 2005, is a strategic partnership between Leonardo and Thales, the major industrial groups in the aerospace industry in Italy and France.
It includes two joint ventures: Telespazio (Leonardo 67%, Thales 33%) and Thales Alenia Space (Thales 67%, Leonardo 33%).

Skylark Space Segment
France-based satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space (TAS) is an established world leader in the design, manufacture and implementation of components and systems in Telecommunications, Navigation, Earth observation, Environmental management, Exploration, Science and orbital infrastructures. TAS delivers Digital Transformation and Innovation.

Skylark Bus and Assembly
Leo Stella is a Seattle-based state-of-the-art small satellite design and manufacturing company, revolutionizing constellation construction by building small sats cost-effectively and at scale.

Italy-based Telespazio is one of the world’s leading players in satellite solutions and services, with expertise in Ground Segment, Ground Station Network, Satellite Operations Centres, Data Centres.
Telespazio delivers: Design and development of space systems. Management of launch services and in-orbit satellite control. Earth observation services. Integrated communications, satellite navigation and localisation services. Scientific programmes.

Ground-based SSA
World leader in the delivery of persistent, automated, and real-time ground-based SSA solutions.
ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is a global commercial SSA telescope network with more than 25 observatories and 275 telescopes tracking man-made space objects in multiple orbit regimes.
NorthStar is collaborating with ExoAnalytic Solutions to support, develop and complement NorthStar’s space-based SI2 services. NorthStar and ExoAnalytic Solutions cooperate on SSA services and demonstration activities with key clients.

Satellite Constellation Flight Dynamics
Mission Operations
As a co-founder of NorthStar, KinetX provides systems engineering, complex software and hardware design and development, spacecraft navigation and flight dynamics services to commercial, civil, and government customers across the aerospace industry.

Airborne Hyperspectral Services
Leading global provider of commercial high-resolution airborne spectral imagery products and services: defense and intelligence initiatives, mapping and analysis, environmental monitoring, oil, gas and mineral exploration, and infrastructure management.
NorthStar collaborates with SpectTIR for the collection of airborne hyperspectral data, to support NorthStar product development and demonstration activities planned with key clients. SpectTIR provides expert support in the development of hyperspectral data management and analysis tools.