Calling for a global commitment to achieving sustainable use of outer space for the benefit of all humankind by 2030.
This announcement from NorthStar Earth & Space Inc. was released on May 12, 2022
NorthStar Earth & Space Endorses the Net Zero Space Declaration of the Paris Peace Forum
Montreal, MAY 12, 2022 – NorthStar Earth & Space endorses the Net Zero Space Declaration of the Paris Peace Forum, an international initiative gathering like-minded actors calling to achieving sustainable use of outer space for the benefit of all humankind by 2030.
“The Net Zero Space Declaration fully aligns with NorthStar’s core values of sustainability. Space is fundamental to our economy, quality of life, and enables critical infrastructure for countless essential services. This environment demands immediate action from all stakeholders to protect this invaluable natural resource,” said Stewart Bain, CEO & Founder of NorthStar Earth & Space.
As part of its endorsement of the Net Zero Space Initiative, NorthStar pledges to help facilitate safe and sustainable operations through the delivery of high-fidelity commercial space services for satellite operators. NorthStar’s Space Information & Intelligence services will be launched in 2023 bringing the first space-based commercial information service to cover all near-Earth orbits.
About NorthStar
NorthStar Earth & Space is headquartered in Montréal, Canada. NorthStar has recently launched its European headquarters in Luxembourg with the support of the Luxembourg Future Fund. NorthStar also has an office in Washington, D.C.
NorthStar seeks to empower humanity to preserve our planet through a unique Space and Earth information & intelligence platform using space-based sensors. NorthStar strives to help transform the way governments, industry and institutions assess risk, enforce regulations and make decisions to foster the sustainable development of our planet and deliver a safe and secure near-Earth environment.
NorthStar’s unique space-based commercial Space Situational Awareness products address many of the critical and immediate challenges facing all satellite operators. With a comprehensive view of all near-Earth orbits, NorthStar’s satellites will deliver more frequent and precise observations of resident space objects than any current system. Through a suite of high-speed decision quality information services derived from its unparalleled coverage, object custody, and enhanced predictive analytics NorthStar generates its Space Information & Intelligence (Si2) services.
NorthStar’s investors comprise a global coalition of strategic partners, including Telesystem Space (a co-enterprise of the Sirois family office, Telesystem and the Roger’s Family Trust of Canada), the Space Alliance (Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio) of Europe, the Government of Quebec, the Government of Canada and the Luxembourg Future Fund.
About the Paris Peace Forum
The Paris Peace Forum is a French initiative launched in 2018 to create a multi-stakeholder platform in Paris to address global governance issues. Throughout the year, the Forum works to strengthen the governance of common goods, such as space, cyberspace, or the oceans, and to improve the international management of global issues, development of AI and disruptive technologies or ecological and social transition of the economy. Its annual event brings together heads of state and government, heads of international organizations, civil society leaders and private sector executives around concrete initiatives that give a large place to the global South.
Net Zero Space Initiative
The Net Zero Space initiative is a multi-stakeholder platform calling to achieve sustainable use of outer space by 2030 by taking concrete actions to mitigate the generation of new orbital debris and remediate existing ones. It especially aims at raising awareness at a political level and in the public at large to better protect Earth’s orbital environment and foster interoperable norms in this regard.
Media Contacts:
NorthStar Public Relations: media@northstar-data.com